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The Sea Essences


The Sea Essences are a vital part of our world, and are key energies for harmonizing and helping relationships. They also act on difficult past life events and bring them to wholeness and harmony, and they are the most comprehensive tools to do this. When we look at the quality of life that we experience day by day, most of the time it is the quality and wellbeing of our relationships that is most important to us. Like the seas and oceans which connect everything, sea essences connect everything and everyone, and bring about the harmonious and happy functioning of our relationships. They also impact on our personal being very postively, as relationship harmony and personal harmony are very interlinked. Their properties go well beyond the human sphere as they can help all aspects of our world, including animals, plants and even "Gaia" the Earth being herself.
They are divided into 4 sets :
Set 1 - these are some fundamental and important essences for relationships, helping some tricky issues and basic problems. They are the foundation of the                                                     Sea Essence System and are a good 1st set of Essences to use frequently.
Set 2 - this is an intermediate and exciting set of Sea Essences. It includes the first Dolphin and Whale Essences made and the most unusual and powerful                                                       Sea Essence, the 'Giant Sea Spider'. We have our first deep sea creature essence, and all this set are important essences for our dailylives.
Set 3 - this is an advanced set of Sea Essences, and essential to those who want to work very deeply with others. They include quite a few deep sea                                                                  creatures whose effects act very strongly into past lives and our deep subconscious, bringing relief form some of the most pressing issues.
 Set 4 - is a new set of Sea Mammal Essences and this is still coming into being. These are very uplifting and helpful in important areas of our lives, and                                                              begiin with Manta Ray. This proved to be the most important essence for me personally as I was facing one of the biggest crises of my life. These are essences for people who want to fully explore the connections between the oceans and our wellbeing, and benefit from them.    

  • SE 30. Weedy Sea Dragon - orange. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Clearing and strengthening our etheric field, it can help us to be ourselves, in many situations where others may intimidate us. An empowerment essence, to wholly manifest our strength and personality, thus making it more difficult for others to dominate or manipulate us. This is very good for those who tend to be timid, fearful or nervous in life, who need to be free from control from others.
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  • SE 31. Paua Shell - royal blue. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Strengthens our physical connection with our environment  and daily life, if we have been disconnected for any reason. It helps work and physical actions, and it opens us up for greater sensitivity to colour working to help us.
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  • SE 32. Snakelocks Anemone - mid pinkish coral. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    A lovely essence for interacting with many people with complete ease, balance and harmony without conflict. This essence helps to manifest peace and strong loving relationships with groups of people, as well as individuals.. Can allow us to make necessary compromises in social situations without losing our individuality and freedom.
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  • SE 33. Arafura File Snake - deep indigo. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Empowering essence for our mind, so we are completely proactive and 'on top' of situations in our life. Brings great flexibility,presence of mind and high intelligence to see problems before they come to us, and helps us to overcome them. Brings snake power to our thinking and responsiveness to all situations. Good for any mental challenges such as exams etc.


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  • SE 34. Viperfish - warm olive green. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Can alleviate terrible fears, horrors and dread. May clear the scars of trauma, bringing relief and caring, and freedom from 'shadows' in our life. As we become free of these past life terrors, it helps to activate our Higher Self to overcome these difficulties with wisdom and balance.
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  • SE 35. Blackbelly Dragonfish -  pale gold. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Helps to create courage, inspiration and leadership with others, empowering us to accept ourselves as we are, and then be an inspiration and strength for ourselves and others. Can bring strong motivational energy to face our 'demons' and 'shine our light in the world'. A deep acting essence which brings out the 'hero' in us.
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  • SE 36. Gulper Eel - pale royal blue. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Can help restore us after abuse or trauma. When there has been physical or sexual abuse in this or a past life, this can produce deep relief from trauma. Bringing love and emotional wellbeing this essence can bring deep peace and light, and full restoration of spiritual well-being.
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  • SE 37. Grenadier -  pale olive-greenish gold. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    A very deep acting essence which brings great light to our consciousness, and this helps us to see and overcome some really fundamental challenges within. This is the deepest living sea creature and it can help us look at and solve some very deep subconscious issues that may have been with over many incarnations. It can also help to bring answers and solutions to almost any level of challenge from the present.
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  • SE 38. Stick Polyps - warm olive. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Can help to bring about a renewal of a relationship, damaged by the loss of trust and communication after abuse. Trust is very difficult to restore after abuse, but this essence has the potential to help restore communication and trust, in a particular relationship that has been damaged in the past. Can offer wisdom and discernment and can help the quality of all our relationships.
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  • SE 39. Flatworm - mid pinkish gold. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Can help restore close relationships after emotional traumas. Helps us to overcome shock, distress and anger, and centre ourselves quickly again, bringing with it a great calmness and peace, thereby helping to maintain strength and stability through all types of crises. A lovely centring and strenghtening essence. which is very good for families and dealing with disability.


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  • SE 40. Head Shield Nudibranch - pale lemon. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    This essence has the potential to enhance family interactions, bringing clarity into relationships. It helps to bring greater objectivity to each person producing greater clarity within the feeling and thinking processes. This can bring more awareness of each other's feelings with greater sensitivity, respect and consideration.
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  • SE 41. Lister’s Conch - pale violet. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    Communication with and attunement to Angels. Like a 'tuning fork' this essence helps us to resonate with Angels on many levels, such as sight, touch smell, hearing etc. It helps us to work with Angels in projects and is helpful to many New Age projects. It also helps us to keep grounded and in balance with the physical world.
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  • SE 42. Marbled Chiton - pale indigo. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    A very special sea essence which can uplift the frequency of our consciousness. By helping perception to become purer and stronger ,and thinking more delicate and refined, we may become less judgemental and more 'all embracing' in our consciousness and feelings. An opening to Divine Consciousness which may help solve problems and build harmony.
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  • SE 29. Leafy Sea Dragon -  deep pinkish violet. Sea Essence. 15ml
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    An essence for discovering our true individuality and freedom to be ourselves. It can cut ties from the past of manipulation and control from the 'dark side', so it is liberating from many past life difficulties. It is an extraordinary sea creature which shows the connection with liberation from  the reptilian beings, through the form of the dragon of the sea.


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