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BE 61. MEA KIO – Coral 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 61. MEA KIO – Coral 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Mea Kio - Coral 1
Keywords: Appreciation for Sensual Beauty

The ‘appreciation of sensual beauty’ are the key words of this essence. Real female beauty for example, is an intensely spiritual quality which is much misunderstood and manipulated in many human cultures. Female beauty is actually a very sacred and special quality which reflects the beauty of God in the Female form especially.
Behind true lovemaking is a very soft and sensual Divine quality, and it’s resonance in colour is the Coral One of ‘Mea Kio’. The female body is the ‘Temple of Life’ and it’s beauty is also incredibly sensual and erotic. It is the wellspring of Life itself and the appreciation of it in all it’s dimensions is the gift of this essence of ‘ Mea Kio’. This is a quality and an appreciation that is ‘higher’ than physical sex and it is a very special quality in human life. The appreciation of the beauty of flowers in all their colour, scent and form is also such a quality that this essence brings us.
This essence is really about uplifting sex to it’s true and special place in life and bringing a very special appreciation of beauty. The face, the eyes, the body are all one and should not be separated and the appreciation of beauty of this is a special quality this essence brings. The beauty of men in the same way can be appreciated by this essence, and we can enter into a deeper appreciation of ourselves and the natural world with this essence.
Many people can benefit from this essence, particularly men, who need to open up to these qualities. Those who have been exploited, abused and brutalised in some way can find deeper wellbeing and restoration of their own true Soul Beauty with this essence. We could call this the ‘Higher Karma Sutra’ essence, and it brings deep pleasure in our physicality.
Sight and the other senses are enhanced and a fuller enjoyment of who and what we are comes about.
Use for your deeper enjoyment of Life.