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Teaching Diary

Erik's online teaching diary is beginning to take shape nicely for 2024. If there are any courses you are particularly interested, please contact us at  and we can let you know when it will be running.

You are also most welcome to join our free monthly meditations. We have a wonderful community of like minded people.  Information on this is posted on eriksessences International Meditation Group on facebook.  This is truly an International Group.



 9th to 12th January 2025 - Phuket, Thailand


The Integration of Creation is a 4-day retreat for those who would like to immerse themselves in the magic of Erik’s Essences & Elixirs in the beautiful location of Phuket, Thailand. Master optimal well-being through using these products.


Program highlight:

Day 1: Life Transformation 

Day 2: Master Beings in the Sea for Healing

Day 3: Chakras & Divine Energy

Day 4: Integration of Creation

 Erik will lead the meditation at different energy points on Phuket, such as Beach (Connect with Healing Energy), Jungle (connect with Elves & Transformational Energy), Temple (Connect with Divine energy with God & Goddess Elixirs)


 Integration of Creation

Divine Course and Retreat

Given by Erik Pelham

Guide :  “Sussoa” - the Omnarahna - Creator of the Omniverse.

Subtitle: Colour, Healing and and Vibrational Energy integration with Divine Spirit.

Key points to learn: Colour Energy with Butterfly Essences, Healing Energy with Sea Essences, Vibrational energy work with Crystals, Connection to your Spirit Guide and Divine Beings. Love and Empowerment from the Highest Divine Beings in Creation.


Highlights of experience:

Essences Healing, Vibrational Healing and Light Energy Healing.

How energy works with crystals. Divine Energy Connection, Enhancement and Support at all levels.


Students from different countries will arrive Phuket, Thailand on 8th January and leave on 13th January (You may stay behind if you like)


Retreat Plan:

Day 0 (8th Jan): Arrive Phuket, stay and rest in resort of Phuket.


Day 1 (9th Jan): Light and Colour Energy for Transformation, Butterfly & Sea Essences, Healing of Relationship, Past life healing, Sunset Beach Meditation.


Day 2  (10th Jan): Jungle Meditation in the morning, Afternoon Connect with Master Beings in the Sea; Dolphin & Whales.


Day 3 (11th Jan): Integrate energy with Goddess, Charkras & Divine Energy.


Day 4 (12th Jan): Integration of Creation, Connect with Divine energy with God & Goddess Elixirs, Meditate in Temple.


 What’s Included:

  • 4 Day ERIK's Workshop immerse with Excursion
  • Phuket Airport Pick Up Service
  • Excursion Travel Service
  • Professional Team support, the Course and Excursion (e.g. Teaching Assistant & Tour Guide)


Integration of Creation - Phuket Experience

Fee: THB 50000 per person

 Early Bird Special:

If you pay before 15th Dec, we are delighted to offer a 5% discount off.





 If you would like more information, please contact the organizer JACKY 


Mobile & WhatsApp+852 92588191

WeChat: +86 13167131394

Thai mobile: +66(0) 98-014-1944




'The Goddess Elixirs'

These online courses are being hosted by our New Zealand Distributor and organiser. 

For all enquiries:

To Register & Pay: 





Butterfly and Sea Essences - Part 1.

Register & Pay:
