eriksessences News Letter - Spring 2025
Dear Friends
2025 is off with a flying start with lots of changes afoot, not necessarily going to be easy ones, but all for the greater good.
With that in mind we look forward to continuing to support you with your requirements.
A New Course
‘Future Chakra Healing” Exploring the upper chakras and their response to Divinely created energies of Wellbeing in our Universe. The magic of Divine Colour, Butterfly Essences and Unicorn’s support.
Erik & Eva are currently working on this exciting new course, Erik will teach this as a one day course Live We will update you on this as things progress. Please let us know If you would like us to send you the details once it is ready.
User Guide
The other big project Erik has been working on is the User Guide, and this will offer the option to search for what Essences & Elixirs you need on a ’Symptom & Need basis’.
Eriksessences booklet - ‘Brief Notes on Erik’s Essences and Elixirs’
In collaboration with Catherine North and Cecilia Mo-kit Ling at the Academy of Healing Arts, New Zealand. This booklet has been created initially to support Catherines students as eriksessences is part of their syllabus. This booklet will also however, be a great resource for everyone to use.
New Website -(eriksessences)
Work is well underway with a team who’s combined expertise is creating our new ‘state of the art’ website to the highest standard with the latest technology. We are so excited and look forward to the time when it is ready for launch.
YouTube (eriksessences)
We are also working hard to populate Erik’s YouTube channel with more videos. We plan to build and add to this library of videos on an ongoing basis
New Sea Essences on the Horizon
‘Pacific Sea Otter’ due for launch this July, and the ‘Emperor Penguin’ in December 2025.
Erik has been doing private consultations and helping people for over 30 years and always makes time for these one to one sessions. Please contact Erik on email: if you are interested.
Monthly Meditations
Our monthly meditation which Erik & Eva do together continues to support us all on many levels.
We are pleased to let you know that we are now offering free monthly meditations especially for the USA which are organised by Debbie Blake and presented by Erik. We also hope to do the same for China in the next few months which will be promoted via Mailchimp and our Facebook platforms.
We have a wonderful community of like minded people that join our meditations from all over the world.
With love and best wishes from the Team at eriksessences
Erik, Jane & Jeanne