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BE 32. Mikia Kilhima – Pale Turquoise 2 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 32. Mikia Kilhima – Pale Turquoise 2 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Spirit Communication. When first using this essence there may be a perceptible enhancement of hearing, as well as a balancing and harmonising of the cones of hearing inside the aura. The real purpose of this essence though is to help those who want to develop close communication skills with the spiritual world to do so. It attunes the mind and will to the communication frequencies used by many higher dimensional beings, so an attunement to communicate with them can develop. It cannot automatically bestow gifts of spirit contact and communication, but it will help the development of such gifts when the potential is clearly there. It can help to clear blockages and problems in the region of spirit hearing and communication, such as those which can be left from past life traumas and experiences. For example if you had psychic gifts in a past life and you were tortured or even killed for them, this can produce a block in this area of our consciousness. If you wish to heal this block and restore those gifts this essence can really help you do so.
This essence is to help those who have a natural need for higher contacts and communication as a result of their past work and motivations. It can help us to tune into heavenly music, or the cosmic sounds of the galaxies (the music of the spheres). For those who work with sacred resonance with techniques such as chanting, mantras, sacred dance and playing musical instruments, this will prove an excellent tool.
This essence also tunes us into the higher communication network around this planet, used frequently by dolphins, whales and the great tree beings for example. Those of us working with them will find this essence a useful tool to bring greater co-operation, harmony and contact with these beings. This is very useful as these are the ‘master beings’ who look after the quality of earthly etheric / physical life. Also for anyone working with sound therapies this is an excellent helper, as there is much work done now to combine the therapeutic properties of colour and sound.