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BE 66. DEO RIA – Pale Yellow 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 66. DEO RIA – Pale Yellow 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Deo Ria - Pale Yellow 
Keywords: Opening Inner Sight - Clarity

The keywords to this essence are ”the opening of inner sight”. This essence resonates with the the Bhahma Ray of Sight-the second Cosmic Ray. It develops all aspects of sight, such as ‘insight into issues’- getting to the core of any issue, improvements in the sight as well as appreciation of the inner nature of things. It improves clarity of mind so we are clear of what we are and where we are in our lives, and helps us to have real insight into many issues.
There is a greater perception of Light as a physical and a spiritual reality, and it aids the understanding of the core issues of life. It produces a quietness and blissfulness within and a keener ability to concentrate and find the answers to challenges within.
Inner sight or clairvoyance is stimulated by this essence, so for some it can help us develop our spiritual gifts. Only those who already advanced with the abilities of inner seeing, will find that it can actually improve this inner sight and help us to develop and refine it. Physical sight can also be stimulated in some people and there is much more awareness of Light as a definite entity in itself- so our perception is also improved visually.
We can be helped in our Spiritual development, for example it can help us to develop Creative Visualization in meditation, so we can visually experience the Higher worlds. We can develop greater insight into many issues and find our way through this life better. In this way ‘Deo Ria’ can act as a Guide to us, showing us the way forward in our work and relationships.
An essence for ‘bringing in the Light !’.