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BE 79. QUO DIA – Pale Violet ! Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 79. QUO DIA – Pale Violet ! Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Quo Dia – Pale Violet

Keywords: Angelic Bliss

A very special essence for connecting with the blissful peace of Angels and Divine Beings in the higher realms. It is an essence for advanced light-workers, who need a special tool to tune into the highest light frequencies to manifest pure bliss and deep peace in their Beings. We need deep silence and an absence of distraction, to really experience this essence and appreciate it fully. It is an experience of the sacredness of life and is an energy of deep honour and respect for all beings. Bliss is about the ‘balm’ of the ‘Being of Om’ pouring over each being in life, sanctifying them and bringing them to the purest resonances of light, love and harmony in creation. In this state we are completely at ONE with the still inner core of the Divine.

There are really no words to describe this energy state, as it really bears no relation to our everyday lives here on earth. It is really an incredibly beautiful experience for when we need something special to fully honour and manifest the Divinity that is within each of us. In meditation this will take us just about as far as we can possibly go, but it needs to be used by those well practiced with meditation, as it is an incredibly refined experience, not easily accessed by many people.

This is an aid to very deep and profound spiritual practices, where we seek to connect with the very finest frequencies of light. 150 The pale violet also resonates with angelic healing through the ‘pale violet three’, and this essence contains the purest resonances of celestial angels in this creation. So this is a very special essence for anyone wanting to work with the higher angels, as many angels connect together on this light frequency. We can start to work with angels on all kinds of projects using this essence as a ‘bridge’ to the angels, and it will be a great support to those needing to strongly connect with angels in this dimension, such as dying people for example.