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BE 80. KIA KEI – Purple 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 80. KIA KEI – Purple 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Kia Kei – Purple

Keywords: Transformation, sight

This essence is the pure image of what the butterfly really is - the total transformation of our earthly self into the light being of the Divine (which is our true being). The consciousness is transformed by high spirit through this colour frequency, and that which is of a lower vibration in us is cleansed and transmuted to a higher vibration.    

   Being a pretty dark hue this colour works mainly in the mental and causal bodies, although it initially activates the soul body with purple. This means that the majority of the effect is on the consciousness, transforming our spirit with the frequency of solar purple. This is because the darker a colour is, the more it works into our denser subtle bodies from the initial point of activation (which is in the soul body). This means that we can get a completely ‘fresh start’ in our consciousness, if we use this essence over a period of time.

The pure Soul energy transforms our Spirit through the energy of the purple, and at this frequency it attunes it to ‘high spirit’. This means that we can find a completely new life based on a much more pure and true set of values, that comes from the high spiritual realms. It is the energy through which people go through dramatic conversions, or major life changes to a much more beautiful and caring life. This colour frequency also enhances eyesight as the light from the soul is strengthened, and we have more energy going through our physical eyes. Remember that the ‘eyes are the gateway of the Soul’.

It can in some people enhance clairvoyant abilities, as it can often ‘unblock’ psychic abilities that have been lost for a period of time. Purple is a very high light resonance of Spirit, and it is the resonance on which eyesight comes. This means that our sight is one of the very highest gifts of life that we receive from High Spirit – breath is the other one (and this is on a similar hue, the ‘violet one’). Many people can benefit from this essence, but those who will get the greatest benefit from it will tend to be those most advanced in spiritual practices e.g. meditation. Those who desire a deep transformation into a more spiritual life will find this to be a key tool.