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BE 75. LIA MIO. Pale Blue 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 75. LIA MIO. Pale Blue 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Lia Mio – Pale Blue

Keywords: Alignment with Divine Will

This essence is for alignment with the ‘Divine Will’. The harmony of Life depends on one thing above anything else, and that is working with the same Will that joins and co-ordinates all of Creation. The ‘Pale Blue One’ is the light/colour frequency through which this Divine Will permeates all levels, and all beings within those levels. This is the resonance through which the ‘Will of Om’ (or Will of God) is worked out through creation from the highest to the densest points.

When we are in perfect resonance and synchronicity with this ‘Divine Will’, our whole being is in complete harmony and at ONE with the rest of Creation. So many people are ‘at war’ with themselves, fighting one part of themselves with another part. This generates disharmony from that person out into the world. Please understand that all wars and conflicts in the world are simply the outworking of the internal conflicts that go on inside people, between their different subtle bodies. So often their will is out of harmony with the mind, emotions, sexual drive etc, and this generates this internal conflict. The only solution to this is to align with the Single Will from which all of life is generated, and that is the Will of OM, or God. Then we are automatically in harmony with all levels and all beings (except those beings who are generating this disharmony, by being out of synchronicity or out of resonance with OM).

This is the highest frequency of pale blue in creation, and it attunes and aligns every level inside our whole being with that ‘Divine Will’. This also opens out incredible power and the potential of many wonderful things in our lives, as all things become possible and we have the faith to “move mountains”. When the Bible refers to real faith in God, it is this energy of ‘Pale Blue One’ that it refers to, because this is the energy of total TRUST in the Divine. Far from being a mediocre conformity as some people fear, this faith brings incredibly exciting possibilities to every Soul, to do new and completely different things.

It is the colour of ‘Thy will be done’, the frequency through which the Archangel Michael keeps this world free from tyrants, oppression and pain. It is the colour frequency which joins us to the ‘Divine Father Being of God’, and is the energy through which we can find the true ability to trust. Trust in God and in life are the essential cornerstones of complete well-being on this earth. Without this trust, life has no meaning and justice cannot be, so people’s faith in goodness and love would go, leaving only depression, despair and pain.