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BE 58. WIO LIO – Red 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 58. WIO LIO – Red 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Wio Lio - Red

Keywords: Activation of Soul Consciousness


This essence is for activating true Soul consciousness in people, helping those without an active Spirit life to an opening for greater Life in the Spirit. This colour frequency activates the Soul body to bring greater peace, clarity of vision and clear life purpose. It can activate many different aspects of our spirituality depending on where each one is in their soul path. Those who are further along this path may find an opening of Spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience for example. Those who are are not so far on this path may find this essence brings about an ‘igniting of Spiritual awareness, or consciousness’.
All Group One essences activate the Soul so that there is an improvement in eyesight,(the eyes are the GATEWAY OF THE SOUL). and a changing of our perceptions to see what is ‘behind’ the phenomena of the physical world. Red One is especially strong in these two effects, and it can alter the perspectives of a person very quickly and quite drastically at times. Some people may therefore have life changing experiences with this essence, so those taking this should be aware of this possibility before using this essence.
Those people who long to serve God and their fellow human beings will find this essence useful in being a ‘catalyst’ to propel them to materialize this role of service in their lives. Those who desperately need a change in their lives from a negative, or a degrading way of life will find this essence a great helper to come on a Higher path of Love and Service to others. Those who are depressed, or sink into negativity may find this essence quite transformative and able to bring real wellbeing and happiness.
A remarkable essence for positive transformation.