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SE 23. Crown of Thorns Starfish - violet. Sea Essence. 15ml


SE 23. Crown of Thorns Starfish - violet. Sea Essence. 15ml


This essence is for the relief of deeper pain in the Being, especially when there has been a long term accumulation of pain over many life-times. It releases pain from very deep levels in the Being and brings deep clearing to levels of Karmic pain, and to more superficially manifested pain as well.

Its other action is to release deep levels of pain being held in the entire Being, by bringing the Soul, Casual and Etheric bodies into alignment.

Its form relates to the ‘Crown of Thorns’ which Christ wore at the Crucifixion, as this is the most potent symbol of pain in the human condition. It has very sharp thorns or spikes on it’s body, which case intense pain when a person touches this starfish because of it’s poison and the sharpness of the ‘thorns’. This starfish has a reputation for destroying coral reefs with great ferocity, and can be very poisonous to many creatures. This points to the potency and deadliness of the pain that this essence helps to heal.

An important essence.