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It is a communication enhancer between people for enhancing commonly held perceptions and increasing real heart contact. It has the dual function of sharpening visual perception and enhancing heart to heart contact, so that there is a fuller appreciation of the beauty of the natural world, and the human mystical connection with all things as a result.
By enhancing the astral body to overcome inertia it directly stimulates the heart center. This has a synergistic effect on the heart centers of those all around one, increasing the energy flow between them. This produces an attunement and an enhanced communication between people, and communication becomes more heart, and less head centered. Thus sincerity and honesty increase with a real sense of caring.
Combined with the increased visual perception of the natural world around one, it becomes an essence with profound ecological implications. Gossamer Parasol has the ability to restore a sense of wonder in the natural world, because the mystic appreciation of life is awakened as the heart centre is ignited in people - this is because the 4th cosmic ray of mysticism works only through the heart centres of human beings. This is a classic sea essence as it works under the mid turquoise colour frequency, which directly stimulates communication from the heart, which is the main function of turquoise