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BE 14. Sola Vikerlion - Pale Green 3 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 14. Sola Vikerlion - Pale Green 3 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


A beautiful essence which supports our ‘inner child’ and brings us into an inner freedom within our own imagination. This essence supports our inner worlds, giving freedom to explore our space and our own inner magic.
Laughter, fun, lightness, playfulness and a carefree mental state are the gifts of this essence. This is the world of our ‘inner child’, where we can find real uplift and rejuvenation, when the cares of life weigh us down.
It opens our sensitivity up to the ‘little people’ and the nature kingdoms and on this frequency we can interact with them for the well- being of everybody, of plants and places. If we take ourselves too seriously or feel oppressed by something, this essence will help us open to a more fluid, joyful and creative reality. Authors and storytellers will love this essence because it enhances the ability to tell tales and to put visual imagination into words and concepts on paper (or computer). Creativity with words, ideas and imagination is improved.
The ability to enter the world of children is increased, where we can choose what we want to be and to make our imagination real for us. In each of us are all the ages and stages that we go through in life, contained in a part of the astral being known as the ‘psyche’ – this essence stimulates our ‘inner child’ here and through this we connect with all the qualities of our inner child.
With this attunement within us, we can more easily connect with consciousness of children outside of us, and feel the same rejuvenation and freedom through our imagination that they do. This brings real lightness to the being because this psychic attunement is improved, by the integration of our will with the angelic/nature kingdoms