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BE 20. Tori Sommarion - Royal Blue 3 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 20. Tori Sommarion - Royal Blue 3 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


A powerful booster to our Will and personal power. It boosts our control over events in our life, bringing a powerful relaxed ease to all of our activities. The etheric body is enhanced in its action so we have greater strength, focus and power to complete whatever task or activity we are doing.There is a sympathetic boosting of the causal body through its complimentary connection with the etheric, and this gives improved confidence and personal power in challenging situations.
Greater control over our physical actions become possible, so it is a lovely essence to help us in sport, or wherever drive and stamina with strength and skill are needed. It eases stress bringing confidence and certainty to our actions. Royal blue being a dark colour brings the blue frequencies down into our denser subtle bodies, bringing harmony, power and ease down even to the physical. So it can aid the physical body, easing many physical conditions of disharmony and distress and bringing greater well-being. Greater relaxation combined with power in the physical result, helping the body to overcome many of its problems. The etheric flow is calmed and strengthened, so nervous and sexual energies are boosted and harmonised.