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The Dolphin and Whale Essences

  • Dolphin Essences
  • Whale Essences


    These essences are "Master Energies"  in our world to support us in our lives, as well as blend and integrate the actions of all essences to work together optimally, for each person's unique life situation. The dolphins.are the ' Love Beings' of these two, supporting us in a most practical and loving way, and they align with the feminine side of life. The whales.are the 'Power Beings' supporting us in a most energetic, strenghtening and direct way, and align with the masculine side of life.
    We are entering a 'New Age', and it is the wish of the dolphins and whales themselves to link very closely with us to help us to improve life on earth, and solve the myriad of problems that the human race has created. These essences are a potent and practical way to link with the different species of dolphins and whales both for our own quality of life, and to help our whole planet .They are our brothers and sisters in the ocean and they understand us intuitively very well, and research work with these essences in Japan has shown, that with the help of these essences dolphins and whales make personal relationships with us as good friends. Like a good partner they love and support us beautifully in our life on earth and help to provide solutions to our many problems.
    The Whales and Dolphins are 'Cetaceans' and many believe that they are at least as intelligent as we are, possibly more so. Spiritually and physically they have been Guardians of this Earth for millenia and they take this role very seriously, and they cleanse and harmonize the 'energy matrix' of the oceans and seas, as they are swimming around. The songs of the whales are more than just curiousities - they are  very important and vital sound resonances that hold the whole earth together, and are responsible for the harmonious functioning of life on this planet. The time has come to wake up to an incredible reality that has always been, but which we are only beginning to become aware of. These essences will help us to link with our oceanic brothers and sisters for our personal and planetary wellbeing !



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    • DE 01. Pantropical Spotted Dolphin ( Rata Tinata - female & kila Steneta - male ). 15ml
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      For flowing smoothly with life without friction or blockages, and being fully in the present in our heart. Helps us to overcome fears and anxieties and dissolves any tensions so we can just flow with life in a smooth and flowing way, and make the best of any challenges that we may face. Restores our wellbeing after difficult or traumatic experiences, bringing deep caring in relationships.

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    • DE 02.  Hector’s Dolphin  ( Mana Mirnoa - female and Sila Solana - male ). 15ml
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      Restores balance and keeps us grounded in a very fluid and light way. Restores our natural sense of flow and integration that we had as a young child so we connect to our true sense of wellbeing and freshness. Helps us to play, have fun and work creatively with music and sound. We can be more centred and grounded whilst maintaining our natural sense of wonder and childlike innocence in the world.

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    • DE 03. Pacific White-Sided Dolphin ( Mala Jihhala - female & Sila Rinnoli - male ). 15ml
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      Brings a light, easy communication and flow to relationships. It dissolves social barriers and feelings of uptightness and tension in relationships, helping us to lose our inhibitions and have fun with others. It enhances musical creativity and appreciation to a very high degree, bringing an ability to hear ‘inside’ the music. Aids heart-centred communication.

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    • DE 04. Short- beaked Common Dolphin ( Kila Rosthia - female & Kana Jihallji - male ). 15ml
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      Brings improved emotional clarity and better balance throughout the Being. We feel more physically relaxed and secure within ourselves and relationships with others show more sensitivity, balance and a relaxed centredness. Relationships improve and we experience more harmony at many levels in relationships. Helps us to feel complete in ourselves so we don’t depend too much on others.

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    • DE 05. Commerson’s Dolphin ( Fila Ristaya - female & Kila Stimala - male ). 15ml
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      A very physically activating essence for daily fitness and sexual wellbeing. This essence brings a lovely balance to all aspects of our daily energies so we find the best path of vitality and balance in our life. Working in a restorative and energizing way we can get over many challenges, bringing our overall balance to a really good point. Pleasure from touch and lovemaking increases.        

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    • DE 06. Tucuxi Dolphin ( Fila Ristaya - female & Kila Stimala- male  ). 15ml
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      Restores the path of harmony, balance and love between people, and in our relationship with Nature. It shows us the path of social harmony and progress when we feel uncertain about things or we may be feeling confused . Helps us to harmonize biorythmns so we come into harmony and fitness in the Being. The pink on the belly shows the strong universal love energy of this dolphin.

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    • DE 07. Indo Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin ( Mana Ninilha - female &  Rila Jilhama - male ). 15ml
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      A lovely dolphin essence for bringing and manifesting Love in our life in a practical way. Dissolves fear and tension within relationships, it also helps us see ourselves from the otherperson’s viewpoint. Increases our awareness of the world and see what is important, giving us the courage to put Love first. A total LOVE Essence

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    • DE 08. Baiji Dolphin ( Hia Dikarta - female &  Didi Dodarta - male ). 15ml
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      Integration with Wisdom are the keywords of this dolphin energy . The world’s rarest dolphin brings a calm, balanced and wise energy which is very helpful to solve problems with, and find the right way. Helps us to keep calm and centred in crises and gives us the ability to energetically connect with ancient wisdom, such from Ancient China. An essence for guidance and true success.

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    • DE 09. Bottlenose Dolphins ( Gaia Jinnala - female & Lilo Neonata - male ). 15ml
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       The classic dolphin for supporting and nurturing our ‘inner child’ and having fun ! Helps us to play, work, have fun and truly enjoy life ! Brings us right into the present moment dissolving fear and bringing love. Helps laughter, good communication and working together with others in a vibrant, loving way. Supports real wellbeing and high vitality in an effortless and creative way. A very lifegiving, life-enhancing energy to live life to the full.

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    • DE 10. Atlantic white-sided Dolphin ( Kila Sollana - female & Lira Kukkulu - male ).15ml
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      An integrating and balancing essences for our thinking and our physical body energies. It brings a fine mental balance to appreciate our priorities in our personal and social situations and bring a real relaxation of our nervous energies. Relieves nervous stress and enhances our perception of the world around us. Strengthens intuition and improves awareness of social situations.

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    • DE 11. Dusky Dolphin ( Kirma - female and Likhi - male ). 15ml
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      A special dolphin essence for bringing deep insight, clarity and the ability to solve problems in the easiest way. We can become high and farsighted in our consciousness giving us the ability to fly freeing our minds and live life without limitations. Helps us to solve most types of problems in a very easy way by dissolving any fixed mindset and help us to change our way of thinking when this is needed.

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    • DE 12. Hourglass Dolphin ( Jila Silassi-female & Mana Elessan-male ). 15ml
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      Relieves emotional stress bringing a calm, strong and resilient energy to the Being. A deeply spiritual dolphin this carries the Christ energy of unconditional Love and deep karmic restoration from past suffering, pain and trauma. It is like a soothing balm to take away raw emotions, bringing a deep comfort and restoration to the whole Being. An essence to transcend time and bring eternal wellbeing.

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    • DE 13. Clymene Dolphin ( Peta Somosia - female & Hola Timiasis - male ). 15ml
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      Brings a very light, illuminated and fluid consciousness so we can see and understand what is happening on many levels simultaneously. We can develop more mental flexibility and improved responsiveness to many situations very quickly. It brings very precious qualities of consciousness and perception to bring greater wellbeing, and this is shown also by the rarity of this dolphin.

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    • DE 14. Risso’s Dolphin ( Nena Ideanha - female & Rasa Linheli - male ). 15ml
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      Brings an expansion of thought to an almost infinite size and possibility, dissolving all the usual boundaries of our thinking. There is a tremendous light in our consciousness with this essence shown by the white colour of the dolphin, and we can achieve far more than we ever might have imagined with this essence. We regain a much greater power and clarity of consciousness as we had at the beginning of Soul journey. An important tool for self development.

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    • WE 01. Minke Whale ( Dodo Didhema - female & Rono Tighora - male ). 15ml
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      An empowerment essence for finding greater balance in the extremes of our life. Helps us to effortlessly integrate and balance with others around us, bringing greater social and harmony with others from many races and backgrounds. Learning languages is enhanced and all levels of communication can improve. A real New Age Essence for true peace on earth.

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    • WE 02. Beluga Whale ( Linka Jikhima - female & Jokha Mikkala - male ). 15ml
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      An empowerment essence for communication, good relationships, sound and unity between all Beings. Helps good relationships by improving listening and responsiveness to others. Our ability to appreciate music and sound increases as we can hear many levels within music, and our creativity with music increases. We connect with the unity of all Beings as we deepen or ability to love and be one with all Beings.

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    • WE 03. Blue Whale ( Toni Nunna - female & Roni Tonno - male ). 15ml
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      Brings greater power with sensitivity and balance, bringing more power to the mind and the body together. Team working with others is improved and we can physically achieve what we need to with more vitality and wellbeing. Working situations are improved and enhanced as we gain greater awareness and sensitivity the needs and thoughts of others.

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    • WE 04. Sperm Whale ( Susih Kokkima - female & Sussa Kokkesi ). 15ml
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       “Inner strength with Light” are the keywords of this essence. This essence brings a tremendous freedom of consciousness, so things that seemed to be big problems before, don’t seem like problems anymore. Helps us to face and overcome our ‘inner demons’ and bringing our whole Being into the Light. We can inspire others and be a real leader. An Essence to bring in Divine Love.

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    • WE 05. Humpback Whale ( Vivo Mimmoir - male & Gamea Linnola - female ). 15ml
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      Brings clearer thinking and a greater ability to assimilate new knowledge and ideas. Our mental creativity expands and we can think about things in new ways, finding solutions to many problems and seeing new perspectives on issues. Enhances love and courtship through music and it harmonises planetary sound resonances onto the planet.

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    • WE 06. Northern Bottlenose Whale ( Gaia Larimar - female & Jojo Hiramar - male ). 15ml
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       Empowers greater intelligence and IQ in people. This essence improves language learning abilities, memory and most mental functions, so we can work at a higher level in our minds. Telepathic abilities and communications skills are improved, so there is a greater linking with others in joint projects, such as in work. Good for examinations.

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    • WE 07. Sei Whale ( Vin Ross - female & Teato Sonnin - male ). 15ml
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      An essence which brings power to our consciousness and especially to our perceptions. Mental clarity increases, our thoughts become more powerful and we can find solutions to problems more easily. Our ability to see and perceive what is happening around us is increased and we can ‘cut through’ confusion and disharmony. Judgement of situations becomes more balanced and we can stay calm and cool in diificult circumstances

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    • WE 08. Orca Whale ( Mona Simha - female & Viko Kikhu -male ). 15ml
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      An empowerment essence for daily physical life. With this essence we can maximize our survival abilities and personal power in any situation, and have more courage and strenght. Daily wellbeing can be helped and sexual potential enhanced. Our power to deal with any person or situation increases, and we can balance extremes in our life better.





















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    • WE 09. Fin Whale ( Yana Sivan female & Rollon Rinra - male ). 15ml
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      An empowerment essence which improves our ability to respond to others in traumas, crises and difficult challenges. It brings a deep, relaxed confidence and keeps us centred and grounded in all circumstances. We can become more attuned to other people and their needs and we find a natural courage to face any adversity with total awareness and responsiveness. Brings a strong, deep wellbeing.

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    • WE 10. Southern Right Whale ( Pivia Tosaron & Sivia Momaron ). 15ml
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      Helps us to really enjoy just Being, and opens us to music and sound. This is a great essence for musical creation and enjoyment as it opens the world of sound and harmony. We can work with sound and music much better, and hear into the music more acutely and feel with others much more closely. Making Love and gently feeling another is enhanced with this essence. Connects us with people from many cultures energetically.

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    • WE 11. Bowhead Whale ( Mana Planata - female & Soko Mukaku - male ). 15ml
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      An essence to improve our self image and increase our self esteem. A power essence to improve our physical survival and help us feel good about ourself, no matter what shape or size we are. Our relationships with ourself and others improve and we find the strenght to carry on in all situations. For wellbeing - the oldest animate Being on the planet is a Bowhead Whale at 211 years old.

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    • WE 12. Narwhal Whale ( Mana Kikhima - female & Jena Lirkelmi ). 15ml
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      Empowers the mind bringing incisiveness, clarity and harmony to the mind. We can more easily see the forward in any situation and our perception of everything around us improves. It helps us to adapt quickly to changing circumstances and we can see what flexibility is required of us. In communications it helps us get to the point very quickly while maintaining real balance.

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    • WE 13. Bryde’s Whale ( Rasa Yuyama - female & Mana Kilhia - male ). 15ml
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      This empowers us to live in the present moment more completely with greater sensuality and appreciation of each experience in our life. Helps us to really positive about our thoughts and actions bringing greater pleasure from all the many tasks and duties we have to perform in our life. Brings more sensitivity to touch and the thoughts and needs of others, and brings our consciousness into the timeless dimension of Spirit. A whale essence to really support feminine energy.

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    • WE 14. Gray Whale ( Sawa Rastafa - male & Vima Methena - female ). 15ml
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      An empowerment essence for families and family relationships. It increases our ability to nurture and protect our young and harmonize the energies of all family members together. There is an increased ability for sensitivity and balance between different family members. Confusion around different roles in the family structure can be cleared, and mutual awareness and care are increased. 

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    • Dolphin & Whale Card Set
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      Dolphin & Whale Card Set


      This is a very nicely produced card set, each Dolphin and Whale has its own card. It is a very useful resource and affordable companion to our beautifully produced Dolphin and Whale Essences Book.
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