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SE 10. Spiny Lobster - mid olive green. Sea Essence. 15ml


SE 10. Spiny Lobster - mid olive green. Sea Essence. 15ml


It is a self-protective essence for those who face a fearful adversary, and who feel unable to face the fear and danger that they would usually feel in this situation.  It improves the ability to sense danger and respond with courage and strength directly, and actually improves the relationship with the adversary as a result.

The appearance of the lobster is that of a frightening enemy, indeed its form is designed to frighten and intimidate its prey.  However, this may be overcome if it is faced boldly, directly and with skill - this is what this essence can help us with.  Also the lobster's complex armour represents protection - this essence can also help us to feel safe and protected.  Ultimately when the danger is faced and successfully dealt with, this essence enhances the telepathic flow of energy between us and our enemy, so communication and peace can result. 

More often than not, when we face our fears and danger head on, we find that our fear was not nearly as bad as we thought, and that we were much stronger than we gave ourselves credit for.  In many cases an enemy can become a friend.  All lobster essences work in this way though different species give slightly different effects .

This essence works by dissolving the mental blocks that we have about our adversary - in other words it prevents us blanking out any thoughts we have about facing them, because of our fear - as our thoughts connect fully so telepathy is enhanced, and so we understand them better as we become more sensitive to their feelings.  Courage and application to overcoming any danger is enhanced, further helped by the sharpening of our physical senses (the ability to "smell" fear or danger) and we become more alert, responding to any incoming threat more efficiently.  Any level of adversary can be better faced in this way.

This essence can also be used to tackle very deep psychological fears, which often come from past life experiences.