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SE 13. Harlequin Shrimp - lemon yellow. Sea Essence. 15ml


SE 13. Harlequin Shrimp - lemon yellow. Sea Essence. 15ml


This essence Works on the Mental and the Emotional bodies.  It enhances the Mental body to overcome negativity and it dissolves blockages in the Emotional body.

This is a wonderful balancer of the Mind and the Emotions which helps us to get over difficult Mental/Emotional states such as obsessions, neuroses or any degree of rigidity in mind or feelings which takes away our lightness, humour or wellbeing.  It can help us to become objective about something when we become too self-obsessed or too serious, so we can see ourselves humorously and more as other people see us.

There are many people in many different situations who would benefit from Harlequin Shrimp, as most people could do with a good measure of humour and objectivity about themselves.  It is very good for people who just get stuck in their minds, usually in fearful thoughts and anxieties about the future, who often project the worst when going into the fresh situation.  Those who have lost trust in one way or the other or who take themselves too seriously because they are very academic or head-centered, would also benefit from this essence. 

It is very good for rediscovering our 'inner child' and restoring a good sense of humour - it enhances relationships with others by rebalancing our energies with others in a light and loving way, helping us to see their point of view more easily, and helping us to be clear about our own tendencies in relationships - so from this perspective it will generate harmony in relationships.

A good time or party essence for real fun! An excellent social enhancer.