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SE 20. Spiny Scallop - purple. Sea Essence. 15ml


SE 20. Spiny Scallop - purple. Sea Essence. 15ml


This essence works on the Mental and Etheric bodies of people.  It realigns these two bodies when they have gone out of alignment and it dissolves blockages in the Etheric body in the area of sight.

This sea essence is to help bring clear sight and clarity to any issue, thought or project which we may be working on.  It synchronises the mind and the eyesight together at the same time. 

Use this whenever you need to be really clear on a particular issue and there is a need to see a solution quite clearly.  For people who are usually confused about issues and cannot see the way through a problem clearly, this is a wonderful essence. 

It enhances our awareness of light and improves the clarity of eyesight in most people.  Therefore it is wonderful to enhance our visual appreciation of the world. 

 An important and fascinating essence.