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BE 62. HEA HIO – Rose Pink 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 62. HEA HIO – Rose Pink 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Hea Hio - Rose Pink
Divine Femininity

A beautiful elixir to enhance true femininity. This essence helps each woman or girl to manifest the highest expression of what it is to be female, and it produces an exquisite experience of that femininity in the taker of the essence. There are no adequate words to describe this essence except to say that it is pure love and it brings the deepest experience of femininity.
A lovely softness overcomes the Being and there is a very tender caring energy for all things. We open to beauty and to how precious each Soul is in the overall scheme of things. We attune to the expression of femininity among the Angels, and it’s spiritual dimensions and with this essence we can link with the feminine qualities of Angels and Divine Female Beings.
There is almost a breathless quality felt in the heart chakra as the heart is stimulated by this essence, to care for all Beings.
Men and women alike can really benefit from this essence, to bring wellbeing and balance to their Beings with this essence. The brutalizing aspects of life on earth can be gently alleviated and true softness and femininity restored to each person. In men this would correct an overly masculine psyche where there is not enough softness and femininity expressed- in women the more ‘masculine women’ will find better balance with their feminine side. We can learn real grace and gentleness of Being from this essence, and the ability to always be true to the Divine Female Aspect of God. We open to beauty within others and within ourselves, and we can gain a very deep wellbeing with this essence.