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Wio Rea - Pink
Keywords: Divine Love and Caring
This is an essence to manifest Divine Love, and the keyword for this essence is caring, for it helps to manifest pure Soul Love. This is caring for everything but with emotional detachment and emphasising Divine Order through which all Beings exist in harmony and Love together.
An essence for everyone which helps us to tune into the angelic vibration of Love. We see others as beautiful little children with their sweetness and perfection being emphasised and there is a strong feeling for the order and interaction of everything. We feel detached but in a deep state of caring and natural beauty. This beauty shows the perfection of everyone and everything, not what is wrong with things, so through Pink one we see the inherent beauty and perfection in everyone and everything. Our Soul Body is activated by Divine Love and open to the Love in everything, so there is great gentleness and peace in this colour energy.
This is a Key Master Essence for the transformation of Relationships and our interactions with everything, with the Pure Love of God. It brings Love in the little things to a new pitch of caring and sharing, and it emphasises the absolute equality of everyone. It can help us solve relationship problems through a detached, caring attitude guided by Divine, Universal Love. It can give us insight into how to solve difficult relationship issues by manifesting the qualities of Divine Love in us. It is also a lovely meditation essence for connecting with Divine Love on all Levels.