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BE 64. GIO KIA – Pale Pink 1 Butterfly Essence. 10ml


BE 64. GIO KIA – Pale Pink 1 Butterfly Essence. 10ml


Gio Kia -      Pale Pink
Keywords : Soul Restoration

This is the highest frequency of the colour Pink, and at this light vibration it works mainly to restore the Soul body itself, when the Soul needs this. Most of us have been damaged in some way in the Soul body during our incarnations, and this Pale Pink One restores all the light fibres to their perfect state of operation. With this essence we can overcome the negative effects of many past lives, and restore the whole Being consequently to perfect harmonic resonance.
There is also an attunement to the higher Angelic and Divine realms as it is the love/light frequency on which many of these Beings dwell. In meditation it will facilitate exquisite states of higher attunement and will show us the path of Divine Love in our lives. Anxiety and fear are dissolved as we tune into the real inner nature of life and we experience our Eternal Being, which is beyond and above the incarnational process.
This is an essence of which it is difficult to speak as it produces a softness and bliss that cannot be easily described- it must be experienced. This is a tool for the advanced light-worker who wants to experience the highest potential of their Being.