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BE 71. NIO KIA – Emerald Green 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 71. NIO KIA – Emerald Green 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Nio Kia – Emerald green

Keywords: Heart attunement with Angels

This brings our heart chakra into a harmonic resonance with the hearts of angels and spirit beings. This brings a great peace and a healing to the heart, such that our heartaches are alleviated and we experience a deep well-being in the heart centre. We can access angelic support through this essence, for all sorts of issues, especially ‘affairs of the heart’ such as close relationships. This is a very blissful and clear feeling, where there is no anxiety, fear or worry - only a complete trusting and love, with the knowledge that we are one with all beings through the heart.

There is a delightful stillness, and a timelessness with effortlessness, which is the peak of the BEING experience. All life is a fluctuating duality between ‘being-ness and doing-ness’, and much of the time we just get extremely tired and stressed, by too much doing and not enough being. This essence is a very fine correction to that balance, when there has been too much doing, because this essence really manifests the quality of being, which is the pure quality of the angelic heart.

Many people will feel like they are ‘coming home’ with this essence, because when we are in our higher spirit bodies between incarnations on earth, this is the energy space we spend a lot of time in. “Home is where the heart is”, goes an old saying, and this is our real home which can be found in the ‘inner heart’ of mankind and with the angels. When we need to find our true and eternal heart space, this can be the essence to bring us there. At this point we are totally unified with all other beings, and we communicate effortlessly through the heart. It stimulates the ‘Emerald three’ qualities of courage, strength, decisiveness and etheric harmony, as a resonant effect from the crown to the heart chakra.

We can open up higher spiritual gifts, if we use this essence over a longer time period with practices such as meditation, and we can begin to discover who we truly are - to contact our own essence within the heart. In this capacity it is an aid to self knowledge and a restorer of true well-being. It is one of the finest tools to help those who are reconnecting with their higher self, to do so very beautifully