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BE 72. MIO GOA – Turquoise 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 72. MIO GOA – Turquoise 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Mio Goa – Turquoise

Keywords: Reconnection to Divine Creativity

This essence connects us with the source of creativity and communication, so helping anyone whose creative expression involves some form of communication directly to others - such as dancers, actors, poets, as well as artists such as painters or sculptors. It will have a stronger effect on performance artists though. We can receive incredible creative inspiration with this essence, and we can inspire others with what we bring through from the higher realms of spirit. All art forms come down to us from high spirit anyway, and much inspiration comes through this colour frequency, as well as through certain cosmic rays.

This essence is like finding your true ‘inner teacher’ for whatever form of artistic expression you have been given in this life. It supports the whole creative process when it is going, and can re-ignite this process when we get a bit stale. To really feel this essence we need to be actually involved in a creative activity at the time, and to be in touch with the ‘essence of that creativity’. There is an incredible amount of creativity filtering down to us from the Divine and Celestial planes (where the angels are). This essence will strengthen and increase that, helping to cut out distractions, which take us away from this true creativity.

When we connect with our personal angels or guides, they want to help us enjoy life by creating ever new things to help us to live fulfilled lives. The gorgeous colours and creativity shown in butterflies themselves is a reflection of the inspirational linking that ‘Mio Goa’ does between the ‘Divine designers’ of life itself (on the Divine realms) and what they design. This essence is a major creative force, which helps all creative people to link with their angels and higher guides for their most special work. This essence will inspire many people to co-create with the angels, a new level of art and performance, not yet really seen on this earth