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BE 77. LIO MEO – Indigo 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 77. LIO MEO – Indigo 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Lio Meo – Indigo

Keywords: Telepathy – Spirit Communication

This essence is an enhancer and facilitator of telepathy and higher communication between people. It also can help to open the ‘third eye’ in some people, which opens abilities such as clairvoyance and being a ‘Seer’. This essence activates the highest frequencies of light of what we call MIND or CONSCIOUSNESS, and at that level all minds are joined together as one in what we call ‘Universal Consciousness’. Telepathy is the flow of mind energy through this universal consciousness at this frequency, which is the natural mode of communication between all beings. This communication does not depend on language, because that is formed of concepts, constructions, ideas and different meanings. This communication is the transference of pure thought ‘matter’ between one person and the next person and it communicates what each one wants to communicate without concepts, ideas or constructions. It is the pure thought before even the idea, concept or construction is formed, and it travels extremely quickly and precisely between people who are ’attuned’ to each other. People who are ‘channelling’ can do so much better with this essence, as it facilitates the transfer of accurate information and descriptions of higher realities very clearly. This is because the ‘6th ray of knowledge’works on this colour frequency, so this essence energy unites consciousness with this ray.

There will be accurate information with a clear consciousness generated by this essence, manifested at all levels. It gives the mind greater power and brings more clarity to thinking, activating the ‘Indigo three’ properties as well. ‘Lio Meo’ activates telepathic abilities in people, so helping them to be able to communicate non-verbally with others of different languages and cultures, and with beings from other dimensions, such as interplanetary beings and spiritual beings. Spiritual beings can read our thoughts like a ‘book’ just by looking at our mental body, and our thinking can be seen as actual thought forms relating to what we are thinking about. Our communication with these spiritual beings can be developed with this essence to be very lucid, precise and easy, from both sides. This colour frequency will help us to develop and evolve our communication abilities through the mind, so we can contact many new people, and understand many new things about ourselves and our world.