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BE 78. LIA DIO – Violet 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 78. LIA DIO – Violet 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Lia Dio – Violet

Keywords: Divine Breath Connection

This essence is for connection with the ‘Divine Breath’ and it brings a beautiful support to our earthly beings through a soul connection with the ‘Breath of God’. Breath is the cause of all life and it is impossible to live a physical existence without breathing, but so many disharmonies on the earth plane make breathing difficult. With this essence our breathing becomes more harmonious, easier and deeper, as our life force is connected more strongly with its ‘Divine Source’.

As we come into a clear resonance with the ‘Divine breath’ our vibrational frequency is raised, and we become more harmonious in our whole expression and functioning of our being. We become more relaxed, sensitive, harmonious and pure in our vibration. Our breathing becomes easier, more harmonious and lighter with greater flow and strength. As the breathing improves, so too does the life-force in us strengthen. We come more strongly into the ‘Divine resonance’ through the colour violet and then the quality of our being improves.

 We shake off disharmonies and stresses in our beings, and become much lighter in our touch and our thinking. We can consciously link better with the ‘Divine Planes of Life’ through meditation, and we can link easier with the resonance of Om. Our thinking becomes lighter and more fluid, and we perceive more clearly the linkage between the physical world and the ‘Divine realms of Light’. We can have an effortless interaction with Spirit, so many of our problems will simply dissolve. There is a very strong connection between the Soul, Astral and Physical bodies and this energy harmonises physical breathing through this link, as it originally impacts on the soul body. It has a sympathetic resonance with the heart as well and this opens our heart to spirit and to Om, and this is why this essence is so harmonizing to the whole being.

 In the beginning times each soul was ‘breathed’ into being by our ‘Father/ Mother God’, so a person’s breath contains their ‘highest’ energy, their Soul energy. With ‘Lia Dio’ we connect energetically with that first breath as we came into being for the first time, and the original well-being that the ‘Divine Source’ imbued us with. Through this reconnection many people will gain a profound well-being, perhaps not experienced since their childhood. Practices such as Yoga which work with the breath, will be boosted by the use of this essence. A lovely essence for restoring our primal well-being.