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BE 84. Rainbow Angel Butterflies. 15ml


BE 84. Rainbow Angel Butterflies. 15ml


Rainbow Angel Butterflies

Keywords: Ecstasy with Angels

This essence is a carnival with the angels. It activates the entire Soul body with rainbow spectrum, bringing joy, vitality, wisdom, love, complete one-ness with the angels and a very deep well-being. Words don’t exist to describe this essence adequately, so perhaps I shouldn’t try! It may re-awaken many people to real higher consciousness, and an inner joy that they haven’t known before in this earthly incarnation.

It will revitalize our soul and spirit, so it can bring a complete transformation in lifestyle and the way we feel about ourselves and the world. It will make the ‘New Age’ real for some people, who may previously have had difficulties about it. It can help us feel how ‘big’ our being really is, and many people don’t yet consciously realize what incredible beings they really are! The effects will be very specific to each person though, so not easy to predict.

It can bring a remarkable balance to the personality and increased stability in oneself. We should find we are much less prone to fear and anxiety, and we will develop a real glow and sparkle about our being! Try this essence even if you don’t use any other Group One essence, because like the Rainbow Butterflies in the 1st Set (group 3), this essence will make it clear as to which direction you need to be moving in. It resonates the ‘Rainbow three’ or ‘Rainbow Butterflies’ as it is called, in our being through the sympathetic resonant attunement of the heart chakra with the soul chakra. In this way we will also experience the chakra activation and other effects of the ‘Rainbow Butterflies’ essence here. This will bring about a greater connection with angels and many other spiritual beings, in a very joyful, optimistic and positive energy. It will also bring a great connection to other people through joy, creativity and well-being. We will all find that there was never any separation between us, and we always have been ONE! A very special essence for special times!