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BE 81. MIA KIO – Lilac 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 81. MIA KIO – Lilac 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Mia Kio – Lilac

Keywords: Appreciation of Divine Beauty

The keywords of this essence are ‘the appreciation of Divine beauty’. This essence opens our being to the pure soul vibration of beauty, which is this ‘Lilac One’ light frequency. With this essence there is an incredible softness about ourselves and everything around us and we see the innate beauty in everything.

Physical and inner beauty are enhanced to our perception, and everything seems more colourful and vibrant. It melts the ‘blinkers’ on so many people’s eyes, so we see that everything around us is beautiful, and ugliness and disharmony are just facades that our consciousness sees covering things. They are just like a veneer which hides the pain that many Souls are in, but beneath that is always beauty. This essence teaches us that heaven and earth are one, and it is only the consciousness

that needs to change to see that. We perceive things in a new and fresh way, perhaps seeing that many of our previous assumptions about things and people may have been mistaken. We can see the divine in everything and everyone, and we love all beings equally as we see this. No one is actually a stranger, but each person can show an angel as well as a devil within them, but we accept both with equanimity.

This essence also purifies our being, cleansing away impure thoughts and motivations, leaving us very clear and still within ourselves. We can connect with High Spirit on the resonance of ‘Divine Beauty’ using this essence, and we can really deeply love and appreciate ourselves. We connect with the infinite beauty of the ‘heavenly spheres’, and it melts away the resistances that our minds or egos may have to this. We realize that we really ARE that beauty ourselves, no matter how imperfect we may think ourselves to be, and that actually nothing is more or less beautiful that anything else. We ourselves are part of that eternal beauty, and we can play a positive role in transforming the world to be a better place, to reflect that.