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BE 59. PEO TIO – Orange 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


BE 59. PEO TIO – Orange 1 Butterfly Essence. 15ml


Peo Tio -    Orange
Keywords: Vitality – Angelic Joy

A sparkling essence of pure Joy ! You could call this the essence of inner transformation to energetic joyfulness. This is like an elixir of Eternal Life and youthfulness which shows that true Joy has no ending, and age has no meaning when we are complete contact with Spirit !
There is an intensification of all the senses so we experience the colour and the sensuality of our earthly life more fully, and we experience wonder at the beauty of nature completely afresh. We connect with the constant regeneration of Life, and the possibility of being eternally Young. It dissolves the belief in death and the mortality of man so we see that we are in fact eternally alive, and Divine in our true nature. We experience the spiritual side of sex as being an erotic experience of true beauty and sensuality. It is frequency of joy with pleasure in the energy of life, and is an energy much loved by Angels.
There are many misunderstandings about the Angels and the Beings of High Spirit. One is that they are sex-less and don’t experience the pleasures of sex and lovemaking. This is very far from the Truth- they are in fact delightfully sexy Beings who love the magic of interaction with the opposite sex. This Orange One is really the energy frequency of their dynamic lovemaking, with the joy and exuberance of their lives.
For us humans, it is a good essence for those who feel lonely, flat and tired of life. It is intensely uplifting showing us that there is everything to live for and to strive for. It is a spiritual energetic antidepressant, which can restore enjoyment of life and vitality of purpose. It is the joy of the butterflies as they fly in their Love Dances with flowers, showing their gorgeous colours and designs with true beauty.