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BE 27. Nina Sirion - Silver 3 Butterfly Essences. 15ml


BE 27. Nina Sirion - Silver 3 Butterfly Essences. 15ml


‘Unity’ is the keyword of this elixir. This essence unites all levels of life and consciousness as one, bringing us very profound understanding of the core issues of life. We can understand many issues and knowledge because our understanding becomes truly interconnected with all issues, from all sides. Some people feel very large when they use this essence, like their size has no limits. One feels expanded into whatever dimension you are dealing with and there is a strong feeling of no limits or boundaries. This is very fine for students and teachers alike, because true learning needs this quality of unlimited size and unlimited possibilities.
This is the universal magical essence of being which embraces all things in love, and harmonises our thought and energy with all levels of consciousness. This helps us to grasp the inner substance of things, clearing our thinking so we can sort out difficult and challenging issues with others. A powerful meditation essence to help to bring about many advances in being and consciousness. It has the special function of linking us with the Divine realms through the silver, and this brings this pure illumination from the Divine levels down into our heart centre. So it is enhancing and boosting total well-being, connecting with ‘core’ of our being. This elixir enhances the action of all colours, all healing energies, and is at the core of the life energy matrix.
      This energy is powerful at cleansing any space or any thing, vibrating away toxins, disharmonies and negativity with the power of the silver light, and the resonance of pure silver. In the cleansing of crystals, this essence has no equal, and 10 seconds is all the time that is needed to cleanse most crystals. Most crystals get blocked up with thought forms and energies from the astral planes of creation, and this essence instantly vibrates these out of crystals. To use any crystal for any type of work, it must first be cleansed, unless it is self-cleansing, like ‘Herkimer Diamond’. Physical toxins can be dissolved as well, so helping towards any cleaning up operation, but we need other cleansing tools for this as well. ‘Nina Sirion’ does initiate and facilitate any cleansing process, working well in this action.