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This is also known as King Crab and is the largest of the crabs, measuring up to 50cm in diameter. This essence works on the emotional body only - it works by enhancing the emotional body in two ways: firstly by helping it to overcome negativity, and by helping it to overcome toxicity.
All crab essences are good for defusing antagonism or hostility in some way, and Horseshoe Crab defuses hostility or antagonism in group situations. It is excellent when there are large crowds of people, where individuals are massed in pretty large numbers and there is a danger of anger or some hostility as a result. Political rallies are classic examples, where use of this essence sprayed into the space where people are, or broadcast to; the place would greatly ease tension or antagonism, which might otherwise give rise to violence.
It will work in any social situation where there are traditional or historical reasons why people are hostile to each other. It helps people to feel protected from the fear of hostility from others, as is shown by the thick, smooth protective shell of this crab. So it engenders a strong feeling of security in potentially violent or hostile situations. It enhances positive emotions of compassion, love and solidarity with others in a group' opening the way to reconciliation where there are traditional hostilities present.
It works on the mass emotional energy field that a group of people generate, being less effective on an interpersonal energy field.
It will help in the development of better relations between groups of people, who have been hostile to each other for political or social reasons - so it will be very effective used over a longish period of time where positive progress may be pretty slow. It will aid negotiations by political and military people and help in the resolving of longstanding disputes, as it also enhances social order.
So it can give many social and national situations a 'fresh start', opening the door to the creation of positive relations.
A key social essence.