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Common Cuttlefish essence is a relationship enhancer, to enable two people to get a deeper attunment to one another, to really get to know each other, to flow together effortlessly and to communicate at more subtle levels.
This essence helps us to get over the superficial blocks which can hold back real depth and fulfilment to relationships, these include emotional up-tightness and embarrassment at expressing oneself, insecurity about ourselves in a particular relationship, fears about how we will cope in a relationship and a range of emotional/social problems. This essence helps us to overcome these helping us to gain a relaxing confidence in relationships, and will also help us to go deeply into a particular relationship when the potential and desire are for things to happen.
The cuttlefish shows this in its lifestyle, they mostly live very deep in the sea, but move quickly, powerfully and effortlessly in their environment. They are social creature’s who have an incredible ability to communicate by changing colour very quickly, so communicating subtle messages very easily and effortlessly. This is the effect of the essence, our ability to communicate easily, effortlessly and subtly is increased.
Common Cuttlefish will prove most valuable in young and middle aged people, where many will not have found their centre and therefore the ability to form deeper relationships – a very valuable tool.