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A real tonic for our close relationships bringing harmony and love, and restoring trust and closeness. Working under a gold colour frequency it maintains harmony and balance in ourselves as well as our relationships, and can restore the quality and closeness of close partner relationships. It is purifying, restoring and harmonizing and can be used in Family Constellation work.
Australian Sea Horse
Keywords: Power balancing, appropriate relationship connections
It is an enhancer of the relationship that human beings have with horses, although it will also have a beneficial effect on relationships with other animals, but this is less marked. It balances the power between them. The purpose of sea horse is to attune people's minds and emotions to the true higher nature of horses, so they may be treated with love, awareness and respect. The horse is a very noble and spiritually elevated member of the animal kingdom, who has voluntarily allowed man to harness it for many uses. A great deal of the spirit and freedom of this noble beast is sacrificed so that man may benefit.
Unfortunately some human beings are insensitive, cruel and thoughtless. This remedy was created to help transform the minds and emotions positively towards the horse. This essence removes feelings of cruelty and callousness from the emotional body, and clears confused thought forms concerning the nature and reality of animals in the mental body - this simply transforms ignorance into positive knowledge and thoughtfulness. It helps dissolves blocks in the emotional body that may stem from past life experiences. It helps posture and poise in the body, helping us to get the most appropriate connections with others in relationships. Between people it helps us to get over dominant/subservient relationships to relations with far more equality, well-being and balance. This is excellent for work situations where one person may be too dominant 171 and another too subservient, to the detriment of people in this situation. This helps to balance power in the relationships so each one may speak their truth clearly and equably, without fear. The colour that the deva works under is a bluish turquoise, and this shows the connection with the power aspects of a relationship in the blue. Blue relates to the Causal or power body and has to do with our communication and self expression as well. The turquoise relates to our communication from the heart, which is also our universal connection with all other beings. You can see these elements clearly in the effect of this essence.
Barrel Sponge - turquoise blue/indigo
Keywords: protection from mental negativity, clarity of thinking
barrel Sponge is a clarifying and strengthening essence for the mind, which enhances relationships by cutting out the action of negative thoughts between individuals, so protecting the thinking of anyone who takes this essence.
It can also protect one from negative thought forms taken on from the environment and may be of great value in any group situation.
The immediate perceived effect of this essence is the cessation of ‘fuzzy’ or disharmonious thinking and its replacement with clarity and clear purpose. It brings the mind into harmony with all the other subtle bodies because by realigning with the astral body it is being reintegrated with all levels of the being - the astral body being the coordinator and integrator of the whole being. This strengthens and clarifies the thinking, and in the process of realigning the mental negative and disharmonious thought forms, this then acts to protect one's thinking from negative interference.
This makes this essence very valuable for examinations or mentally testing times, as it helps us to gather our thoughts in a clear and strong way. It gives our thinking some strength and resilience in difficult circumstances.
It is a communication enhancer between people for enhancing commonly held perceptions and increasing real heart contact. It has the dual function of sharpening visual perception and enhancing heart to heart contact, so that there is a fuller appreciation of the beauty of the natural world, and the human mystical connection with all things as a result.
By enhancing the astral body to overcome inertia it directly stimulates the heart center. This has a synergistic effect on the heart centers of those all around one, increasing the energy flow between them. This produces an attunement and an enhanced communication between people, and communication becomes more heart, and less head centered. Thus sincerity and honesty increase with a real sense of caring.
Combined with the increased visual perception of the natural world around one, it becomes an essence with profound ecological implications. Gossamer Parasol has the ability to restore a sense of wonder in the natural world, because the mystic appreciation of life is awakened as the heart centre is ignited in people - this is because the 4th cosmic ray of mysticism works only through the heart centres of human beings. This is a classic sea essence as it works under the mid turquoise colour frequency, which directly stimulates communication from the heart, which is the main function of turquoise
Gossamer Parasol - mid turquoise
Keywords: enhances heart to heart communication
It is a very special essence for enhancing the relationship between humans and those in the angelic realm who guide human destiny. It specifically enhances clairaudience with angels and also makes us more aware of light and the quality of light around us.
It is intended for the light workers of the New Age to give them a real support and boost in their co-creative work with angels, and is initially meant to tune them in to the sounds of the higher realms, and the unspoken words of angels. In time abilities can develop where the spoken words of angels may be heard, but that is an individual gift, not universally bestowed by this essence.
It helps a person to attain a state of inner silence so that the very delicate sounds of the spirit can be perceived, felt and perhaps heard. In conjunction with this enhanced hearing greater degrees of light may be seen and felt, although clairvoyance as such is not stimulated by this essence. This will encourage a fuller experience of angelic contact and improve appreciation of the beauties of nature.
This exquisite form of the Nautilus shell with its many chambers and vortical form (shaped like a vortex) shows a similarity to the human ear, and the sense of hearing. The mother of pearl lining to the shell is a pointer to the beauty of the angelic realms to which this essence relates - the perfection of form mirroring the perfection of angels. Even the rarity of Nautilus is a clue, in that it is an indication to the rarity and real value of the gift that this essence brings.
The use of this essence should be guided as much as possible by angels, the obvious one being the Guardian Angel that each human has with them to protect them. It is not an essence to be taken indiscriminately by those wanting angelic contact for reasons of personal power - for such people it simply won't work. A degree of spiritual advancement is needed before this essence can act on a person. Spiritual gifts of communication with the higher realms are contained in the astral body, so when it is activated by this essence they are developed better.