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Nikia Goagada – Magenta
Keywords: Upliftment of consciousness to High Spirit.
This is a very beautiful essence for uplifting the mind to the consciousness of Pure Spirit and bringing deep peace and wellbeing to our consciousness. There is strong stimulation of the Crown Chakra with this essence and a strong raising of the consciousness above the earthly dimension. A blissful softness overcomes us as we flow more easily in our thinking and will with the Higher realities of Life.
Of course this will be an excellent meditation essence, but it has an even more powerful capacity to spiritualise the mind itself, and bring us to a timeless eternity of pure Being-ness. The mind can so easily get bogged down in earthly matters, that we can feel very oppressed and overwhelmed at times with what life brings us. It can be very hard to feel our true, Eternal Selves when situations and other people bear down heavily upon us. This is where Nikia Goagada will prove to be like a wonderful friend, who appears at just the right time, when you most need them !
This essence takes the consciousness completely out of Creation itself, into the Divine Realms where the Beings of God live and where true wellbeing lies. We can solve many problems when we can raise our consciousness in this way, and we can get an entirely new and fresh perspective on many things. This essence will help anyone to greater inner peace and true wellbeing, whatever their state of inner advancement - but the greatest effect will be felt by the more advanced lightworkers.
A very special essence to bring our consciousness in perfect attunement, awareness and synchronicity with Spirit.